SMAUG Commands
 ADef*ine -- Define an AED link
ADel*ete -- Delete an AED link
ADis*play -- Define a constraint to be displayed
ADisD*el -- Delete constraint from the AED display
AEchoO*ff -- Turn the AED echo off for constraints and bands
AEchoOn -- Turn the AED echo on for constraints and bands
AEdS*top -- Stop the AEDTSK and disconnect all spectrum attached to it
A*List -- List all the AED links presently active
AP*rint -- List all the AED links presently active out to the console
BDef*ine -- Define a band
BDel*ete -- Delete a band
B*List -- List all the bands presently active
B*Print -- List the bands presently active out to the console
BRe*name -- Allow the user to change the name of the band
BWri*te -- Write all the band definitions to a file
BuffM*ask -- Set the preliminary BUFREAD bitmask
Buff_Sh*ow --Print a section of each buffer before processing
Buff_Stop -- Stop the Buff_Exam and Buff_Show Commands
CDef*ine -- Define a constraint
CDel*ete -- Delete a constraint
 Cle*ar_Buffers -- Flush the intermediate event processing buffer
C*List -- List all the constraints presently active
Co*mmands -- List all the valid commands
COv*erlay -- Overlay and old constraint with a new constraint
CP*rint -- List all the constraints presently active out to the console
CRe*name -- Allow the user to change the name of a constraint
CWri*te -- Write all the constraint definitions to a file
Dis*connect -- This option complements the CONNECT option.
Dump -- This command will write all previously defined spectra out to a series of files.
Dumpl*oad -- This will load a series of spectrum data files back into the program.
Dumpload+ -- This will act as DUMPLOAD does but has the additional feature that it will do an
automatic CONNECT command to each spectrum as they are loaded into the program.
Evel*im -- This will tell the program to process a given number of events and then stop reading data from tape or disk files.
Event*table -- This is one of the debug style commands. It will show the event cross reference table, which is internally generated for internal use by the program.
Exam*ine -- This will allow the user to display sections of a spectrum onto the terminal for
Exit -- Exit the program. (Same as STOP).
Exp*and -- This will allow the user to expand any spectrum by an integer value.
File_Data -- Read the data from a disk data file (off-line version)
F*ormdis -- Display the decoding data file for the generalized BUFREAD
FormL*oad --Load a data decoding file for the generalized BUFREAD
FormW*rite -- Write a data decoding file for the generalized BUFREAD
Gdef*ine -- Define a gate
Gdel*ete -- Delete a gate
G*list -- List all the gates presently active
GP*rint -- List all the gates presently active out to the console
GRe*name -- Allow the user to change the name of the gate
GWri*te -- Write all the gate definitions to a file
ICon*stant -- Change the Integer constant values for SPCSUB
Lo*ad -- Load a previously written spectrum file from disk
Load+ -- As Load, but connects the data back into the data stream
PDef*ine -- Define a pseudo-parameter P(k) = a *(P(i) – b)+...
PDel*ete -- Delete a pseudo-parameter
P*List -- List all the pseudo-parameters presently active
PP*rint -- List all the active pseudo-parameters out to a console
Pro*jection -- Make a X and Y projection spectra from a 2d spectrum
PWri*te -- Write all the pseudo-parameter definitions to a file
RCon*stant -- Change the Real constant values for SPCSUB
ReInit -- Reinitialize the program
Res*et -- Clear the program statistic counters
Sa*ve -- Save the present program set-up except histogram data
Save_D*ata -- Save the present program set-up including the histogram data
SDef*ine -- Define a spectrum
SDel*ete -- Delete a spectrum
S*List -- List all of the spectrum presently active
SpcO*ff -- Deactivate the SPCSUB option while processing data
Spc*sub -- Activate the SPCSUB option while processing data
SP*rint -- List all of the spectrum presently active out to the console
SRe*name -- Allow the user to change the name of a spectra
St*atus -- Show the running status of the program
Stop -- Stop the program
SW*rite -- Write all the spectrum definitions to a file
Tape*Avail -- Read the data from a tape drive (off-line version)
TPos*ition -- Allow the tape to be positioned to a specific tape record
TT*est -- Call the subroutine to allow tape drive manipulation
Write_D*efinition -- Write selected events definitions out to a file
Wri*te_Events -- Write selected events out to a file
Write_Sh*ow --Show present definitions in the write selected events
WriteS*pc -- Write a spectrum out to a file
Write_S*top -- Stop writing selected events out to a file
XPr*ojection -- Make an X projection spectra from a 2d spectrum
YPr*ojection -- Make a Y projection spectra from a 2d spectrum
Zero -- Zero out the counts presently stored in a spectrum