This will allow the user to display condition(s) or band(s) onto a spectrum that is being displayed through the AED display program.

‘Aed Link|/\Item?’, the response format is as follows:

Aed Link is the designation of which spectrum we are going to display the item onto. It can be either the name of the spectrum, the name of the spectrum’s related file, or the spectrum’s AED slot number. If this is the only data given, then the program will assume that the user wishes to display the spectrum’s associated conditions. If there are no associated conditions, then an error message is printed.

'|', '/', and ‘\‘ are the scan indicators. This will define which of the three possible data structures are looked for first. ‘|’ denotes band, ‘/‘ denotes constraint, and ‘\' denotes gate.

Item is the item name, or the item slot number. If the item slot number is given the user should specify the correct slot number to correspond to the defined band or conditional data structure.

To avoid confusion between similar names used both in bands and constraints, it would still be a good idea to specify which area to start looking in even if the name is given.