This command will activate the write selected events option of the program. The selected events will be written out in standard NSCL tape format, and can oe written to either a tape drive, or a file on the disk.

‘File name (rtn=tape)’ asks you for the file name that it is to write the events to. If no file name is given then the program will assume that you wish to write the events out to tape. The tape must already have been mounted, and have the logical name MT1 assigned to it.

‘Write format?’ asks you for the format with which SMAUG will select the events of interest. The format is as follows;

#b ,dl,d2,d3,d4, i1-i2,etc !Comments
#b ,d1,d2,d3,d4, i1-i2,etc/c-nam !Comments
#b ,dl,d2,d3,d4, i1—i2,etc\c—nam !Comments
#b -— This is the bit number that you wish to associate the event string dl,d2,d3,d4, i1-i2, etc. All the associated data HAS to be present ALL the time. The valid values are o to 15. If you specify a bit that already has a definition in the write selected event option, then the old definition will be overwritten. If you specify just the bit number and no data, then the old format (if any will be cancelled.

dl,d2,d3,d4 etc. - These are a list of parameter values for the EVENT data that the user wishes to select. i1-i2 — An alternative format to dl,d2,... It means that the user wishes all to select all the data between parameters i1 to i2.

c-nam The name of an optional condition. If present then the condition must be satisfied in addition to the specified pieces of data being present before the event is written out to file.

Example; 0, 3, 6, 10 - 12 / CHECK ONE

Bit 0 is to be composed of data from EVENT (3), EVENT (6), EVENT (10), EVENT (11), and EVENT (12). When all of these elements have data in it and the condition ‘CHECK ONE’ is tested true, then the program will write an event that will have bit #0 in the bitmask set.

IMPORTANT; The bits will be written only when ALL (underlined and repeated) ALL of the elements specified have data (zero or non-zero) in them. It will NOT write the event when there is only partial data.