
EBSS2011 will take place from July 25 to July 30, 2011 at NSCL/Michigan State University.

The aim of this annual school is to educate young researchers on the excitement and challenges of radioactive ion beam physics. Through these schools, the research community will be able to more fully exploit the opportunities created by the next generation exotic beam facilities, such as the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). A unique feature of this summer school series is the hands-on activities where students spend their afternoons in the lab of a radioactive beam facility, learning about the techniques and instrumentation needed to carry out experiments with unstable beams.

The EBSS series is sponsored by the US Department of Energy and National Science Foundation, and the following laboratories: Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the National Superconduction Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. EBSS directors are Mike Carpenter (ANL), Augusto Macchiavelli (LBNL), Michael Smith (ORNL) Mark Stoyer (LLNL) and Remco Zegers (NSCL/MSU). Raman Anantaraman and Remco Zegers are the local organizers for EBSS2011 (contact

students in action during the school


PDF versions of the full lectures can be downloaded by clicking the titles.

In the afternoons, participants in the school will work in groups to prepare for an experiment with the Coupled Cyclotron Facility and the A1900 Fragment Separator at the last day of the school. The group activities will be guided by NSCL staff and include:

  • Beam Optics (T. Baumann)
  • Rare isotope production simulations with LISE (O. Tarasov)
  • Control Systems (T. Ginter)
  • Electronics (D. Weisshaar)
  • DAQ/Analysis (R. Fox)
  • Particle Identification at the A1900 (A. Stolz)

