SMAUG Terminology

To avoid confusion resulting from terminology, defined here are terms that twill be used most often, and/or have more than one meaning.

Band -- This is a series of points forming an open curve that are typically entered from the AED. It’s main use is to assist in the creation of constraints that will share a common boundary.

BPC -- (BYTE PER CHANNEL) This is a value which specifies how many bytes per channel a spectrum will have. For example a 2D spectrum stored in I*2 words will have a value of 2, a byte spectrum will have a value of 1, and a I*4 spectrum will have a value of 4. A zero value is assumed to be 2. Any other value is illegal and will cause the program to blow up.

Condition -- This is the generic name for either a constraint or gate.

Constraint -- This is a series of points that are entered by the user to form a polygon that can be used as a condition. AED terminology will refer to the one—dimensional version of the constraint as a "gate".

Construct -- This refers to spectrum, constraint, gate, and band. It is used only in this manual.

Gate -- This is a logical combination of constraints.

Slot -- This is the number that the construct (spectrum, gate, etc.) is occupying in the program SMAUG.

Spectrum -- This is also known as a histogram. It is used to hold the sorted data. A Condition can be associated with it at the time when the spectrum is defined