Brief Introduction to SMAUG

Program SMAUG is an on-line/off-line spectrum analysis program. To get the help file (if written) for any prompt type '?' if no reply comes back then no help file was intended for that question. Note in the later case the information you want might be in the help file at the beginning of the prompt. As a final note, if a ‘?PRINT’ is typed, then the program will write the appropriate file out to the console.

One should note that the program will not care what the case of the letters in the command are as it converts the command to all upper case before it attempts to read the command.

This document describes the operation and use of the SMAUG data analysis program. A hardcopy of this document can be obtained by printing @SYS$VAXUSERS:[HANCHAR]SMAUG.DOC. The on-line data analysis version of SMAUG interfaces with the NSCL ROUTER program. Examples of commands files to use to connect SMAUG to ROUTER are given in Appendix II. The off-tine version of the program can accept data from either tapes or disk files.

What follows is a list of the most commonly used commands. To get a list of the rest of the commands, type "?EXT." Note about the * symbols. To implement a command you MUST type all of the characters before the * symbol. You do not have to type anything more, but if you do the characters must match the characters that follow the * symbol. Example : ADef, ADefi, and ADefine are valid commands to start a AED link definition session, ADefx is not.

If you have any questions or comments please contact Steve Hanchar or Betty Tsang (353-9193).