ICON*STANT -- In order to be able to ease communications with a user generated subroutine that is presently linked into SMAUG (most notably the SPCSUD subroutine), the program has a common definition area whose purpose is to hold values that the user generated subroutine can use, and that the user can change through this command.When the program enters this option it will print out the present values of all the integer variables. Then it prompts : ‘Input Command?’ asks what you wish the program to do. The input format is N, I
N tells the program which one of the integer variables you wish to change. If the character string "ALL’ has been entered, then all of the values will be affected. If any other character string has been entered, then the program will look for the variable that has a name that matches the character string given. If a numeric value has been entered, the program will look to see if a variable with that number exists.

If I is a numeric value, then the program will store that value into the variable specified (or all of them if "ALL" was entered). If I is a character string, then the program will name the variable N with that character string. "ALL" is not allowed when naming variables.Typing just a return will get you back to the main command level.

Note; At some point you may wish to see what changes have been made. This can be done by entering the command PRINT instead of N,I will display all of the variables. Currently a total of 40 integer constants are available.