BDEF*INE -- This will allow the user to define a band, usually done through the AED display program. The format definition of a band is printed.
band—name : band-comments : (x1,y1),(x2y2), etc.
band-name - The name of the band. Terminated by a : symbol.
band-comments - The band features the ability to include a short comment into the band definition. It usually holds some information pertaining to what parameters the points list will created with.
x1, y1, etc. - This is the x,y co—ordinate of the bands points list. It can have symbols ( ) [], between the points to make them easier for the human eye to read.

Bands serve no purpose in themselves, but they allow the user to specify a series of points when defining a constraint and make the job of having constraints with common boundaries easier to construct.

BDEL*ETE --This will delete a band from the program.
‘Band to delete? ‘ asks for the full name of the band that the user wishes the program to delete.

B*LIST -- This will list the first line (which includes the name and any comments) of any bands that are presently defined.

BLISTF*FULL -- This is a debug style list command that will act as BLIST but will in addition display pointer values that the user is not normally interested in. This function can also accessed by typing BLF.

BP*RINT -- This will print all of the band definitions out to the machine’s console.

BRE*NAME -- This will allow the user to replace a band’s present name with a different name that is of the same or shorter length.
‘Band to rename?’ asks for the old name of the band. After it has found the band that you wish to change, SMAUG will prompt
‘Band’s new name?’ which asks for the new name of the band.

Note: If the new name is longer than the original band name, it will be truncated to the size of the original name. The program will not allow you to rename a band to a name that is already in use.

BUFFE*XAM -- This is a debug command for the program. It will allow the user to examine each event buffer as the program acquires them. It wilt not ask you for anything immediately, but when the program acquires a buffer it will start prompting you for display information.

‘Start,[Stop]?’ will ask the user for two numbers. These are the indexes to what part of the buffer you wish displayed. If only one number n is provided, then the program assumes that you wish to display the first n elements of the buffer.

‘Format (rtn=list)?’ will ask for what format you wish the program to display the desired sections in. The response is a single character, and the present valid responses are; A - ASCII, H - Hex numbers, W-I*2 - words. Typing a return at this point will give you a list of the presently supported display formats. You can stop examining the buffer and release it to the program for processing by typing a return while the program is giving you the first prompt. A response of STOP on the first prompt will terminate the BUFFEXAM option.

Special Note; This is the only place where @ files and macro commands will not work.

BUFFSH*OW -- This will, engage a similar option to BUFFEXAM, but unlike BUFFEXAM it will allow you to print a section of the buffer once, and then proceed with processing the buffer. Because it will allow the program to proceed processing data at a rate that is much Easter than BUFFEXAM it is a much better command to use. See BUFFEXAM for the prompts.

BUFFST*OP -- This will terminate the BUFFEXAM and BUFFSHOW options. This command can be typed at any time when BUFFSHOW command is active.

BUFM*ASK -- The generalized NSCL BUFREAD subroutines has a mask that it will check against the bitmask of an event before decoding it. If none of the bits in the event bitmask that correspond to the set bits in the BUFMASK mask is set, then the event is rejected and BUFRFAAD will go to the next event. This command allows you to change the BUFFMASK mask to the desired value. This command is especially useful and speed up analysis when only a special portion of the data on tape is desired. The program will first display the present value of the BUFMASK.

‘Input mask in hex (def=no change)’ asks for the new mask value in hexadecimal format. If a return is given, then the present BUFMASK value will remain.

BWR*ITE -- This will write all of the band definitions presently in the program out to a file.
'File name?' asks for the file name that it is to write the definitions out to.