Eighth Grade Mathematics Program
Chippewa and Kinawa Middle Schools

Mathematics 8

Primary Books - Pre-Algebra, Glencoe
                          Connected Mathematics (CMP), Dale Seymour
Student Homework - Pre-Algebra and CMP
Parent Materials -- Pre-Algebra and CMP

Eighth Grade Objectives
1. Geometry
 Pythagorean Relationships --2 weeks;         Pre-Algebra -- Chapter 4, 11, 12, 13
 Classification of Shapes -- 1 week;              Looking for Pythagoras (CMP)
 2-D Measurement -- 1 week;                        Kaleidoscopes (CMP)
 2-D Measurements -- 2 week
 Construction -- 1 week
 Transformational Geometry -- 3.5 weeks

2. Algebra
 Linear relationships -- 3 weeks,                                    Pre-Algebra -- Chapter 1, 3, 5, 7,8
 Introduction to non-linear relationships -- 4 weeks;      Mathematical Models (CMP)
 Quadratic;                                                                      Frogs, Fleas (CMP)
 Exponential;                                                                   Growing (CMP)
 Solving equations-- 3 weeks,                                          Say It with symbols (CMP)
 Inequalities -- 3 weeks

3. Rational and Irrational Numbers -- 4.5 weeks,           Pre-Algebra -- Chapter 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9
                                                                                           Looking for Pythagoras (CMP)

4. Statistics and Probability -- 7 weeks                            Pre-Algebra -- Chapter 1, 6, 9, 10
                                                                                           Clever Counting (CMP)
                                                                                           What Do you expect? (CMP)