<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Reading Assignment 2

Reading Assignment 2 on Space, units, scalers, vectors, tensors and other stuff:

Chapter 3 from our book. In particular, look at sections 3.4 to 3.6.

and the following additional reading from the Web. Read the following if you are interested to read further, or the material in lecture and the text book were not enough:

Readings on Position, Velocity, Acceleration and Rates of Change (You don't need to read everything; just browse a bit. This will be a good reference if you need help on problems.)

The SI system of units (Look at the introduction.)

Everything you ever wanted to know about vectors (This is more for reference and possible help on homework problems. Please don't go beyond the basic stuff, unless you want to know more and have time.)

An okay answer to the question: What is a tensor?

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