Lecture #29, Thursday 4-25-2001


  1. Search for extraterrestrial life in class
  2. What is Life
    1. A definition:
      1. Can react to environment
             (implies the organism is separated from its environment)
      2. Can grow
      3. Can reproduce
      4. Can evolve from generation to generation
    2. Is this a good or useful definition ?
  3. The origin of life on earth
    1. Origin of the building blocks: complex organic molecules
      1. Created on earth
            Urey and Miller experiment 1953 (picture)
        need:  ammonia NH3
                       methane CH4
                       carbon dioxide CO2
                       water H2O
                       energy (lightning, radioactivity, UV-light, volcanos)
            make: amino acids, other complex organic molecules
      2. From outer space
             comets ... 
    2. First organisms
      1. 3.5 billion years ago: one cell organisms (fossils)
      2. Possible sites: shallow ocean water or hydrothermal vents
    3. Evolution
      - variation
      - selection

         There is evidence for (genetic) change of biological organisms (variation) and
         for selection:
      1. Fossil record
      2. Direct evidence: for example bacteria becoming resistant against penicillin
    4. Timescales
      if the age of the earth would be represented by 1 day then:

      00:00 am       formation of the earth
      05:20 am       first one cell organism
      06:40 pm       first multi cell organisms in oceans
      09:50 pm       first plants and animals on land
      10:50 pm       first Dinosaurs (extinct at 11:41 pm)
      11:58:35 pm  first human like species (Ardipithecus ramidus, Ethopia 1994)
      11:59:50 pm  human history begins (stone age, 500000yr ago)
      11:59:58 pm  homo sapiens
  4. Extraterrestrial (intelligent) life - Drake Equation

      number of intelligent, technological civilizations now present in our Galaxy =
               (with which we therefore might be able to communicate)


    1. Rate of star formation X
           ~10 per year (100 billion stars in 10 billion year old galaxy)
              (neglects died stars and higher star formation rate earlier)
    2. Fraction of stars having planets X
    3. Number of habitable planets per planetary system (in stable orbits !) X
    4. Fraction of habitable planets with life X
    5. Fraction of life-bearing planets with intelligence X
    6. Fraction of intelligent life bearing planets with technology X
    7. Average lifetime of a technological society
  5. Life in the solar system
    1. Face on Mars ?
    2. Mars Bacteria ?
    3. Conditions for life - need water
      1. Evidence of liquid on Mars
      2. Evidence of liquid Water on Europa
  6. Search for extrasolar intelligent life - what can we do ?
    1. Travel
      Relativity allows travel in principle. At 1g acceleration 
      • in 20 years to the next star (centuries passed on earth), 
      • in 40 years half way to the center of the galaxy (30,000 yr on earth)
      • but - too expensive
    2. Communication - a message in the bottle
      1. Written notes - Pioneer 10
      2. Multimedia - Voyager 1,2
    3. Radio communication
      1. Which frequency works best ? (picture)
        the water hole: around 21cm (H) or 18cm (OH)
        240MHz difference - already larger range than SETI (2.5 Mhz) !
      2. Message sent: the Arecibo message
      3. Other messages (1)
      4. Other messages sent - earths radio leak fig 18.9, global call
      5. Listening - for example the SETI program