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The role of the physicist in human rights

Shelly Lesher, University of Wisconsin La Crosse
Tuesday, May 15, 4:00 PM - Special Seminar
1200 FRIB Laboratory

Abstract:  Nuclear non-proliferation has taken on renewed intensity with changing world events. As deals are negotiated and renewed, human rights advocates raise concerns about political prisoners, many of whom are academics, languishing in prisons around the world. The modern history of physics and human rights will be discussed before focusing on recent violations of these rights. Some cases include: Omid Kokabee, an Iranian studying physics at the University of Texas-Austin who was in an Iranian prison for five years for refusing to engage in scientific research he deemed harmful to humanity; Xiaoxing Xi, a Temple University Professor whose human rights were violated by the United States on accusations of spying for a foreign government; the current persecution of Turkish scientists, and other recent cases as time permits. Suggestions will also be made on how individuals can become involved in these issues.