Principle and Challenges of ECR ion sources for accelerators

Guillaume Machicoane, FRIB
Thursday, Feb 02, 12:30 PM - Staff Information Talk
1200 FRIB Laboratory

Abstract:  Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion sources are used as injectors for many heavy ion facilities because of their versatility and the high ion currents available. Over the last few decades advances in magnet technology and better understanding of the ECR ion source plasma physics have led to remarkable improvements of the performance of ECR ion sources. Still requirement for new facilities across the world are driving the development of the next generation of ECR ion sources for operations possibly as high as 45 GHz and beyond. This presentation provides an overview of the principles and current understanding of ECR ion source plasmas as well as the recent results and new development ongoing across the ECR community. Finally some of the challenges facing the development of the next generation of ECR ion sources will be discussed.